HC Deb 18 December 1967 vol 756 cc895-7
9. Mr. G. Campbell

asked the Minister of Labour if he is satisfied with retraining arrangements for redundant workers, especially miners in Scotland; and if he will make a Statement.

Mr. Hattersley

Most of the retraining required by redundant workers is at semiskilled level and is best undertaken by their new employers with assistance from the industrial training boards, and the Government grants available to firms which train workers for new Jobs in development areas. Accelerated training for skill is given by eight Government training centres in Scotland with a potential annual output of over 1,700 trained men; by the spring of 1970 there will be nine centres with an annual output of about 2,500. These arrangements will go a long way towards meeting the needs of redundant workers, but retraining needs in Scotland will be kept under review.

Mr. Campbell

Does the hon. Gentleman recognise that this is now an urgent and important matter which requires high priority, particularly in view of the impending pit closures in Scotland?

Mr. Hattersley

I am aware of that. I hope the hon. Gentleman will take as evidence of that the fact that training places have been doubled since October 1964 and will treble on the October 1964 figure by the end of next year.

Mr. W. Hamilton

Can my hon. Friend State the number of miners who have applied for retraining facilities and how many have been accepted, and whether there has been any acceleration of the Programme of industrial training consequent upon publication of the Government White Paper on Fuel Policy?

Mr. Hattersley

The answer to the last part of that supplementary question is in the affirmative. I would like notice of the first part.

Mr. Monro

As the pit closure Programme begins again in February, cannot the hon. Gentleman site the new training centres nearer the areas of colliery closure?

Mr. Hattersley

A good deal of the new programme for training centres is concentrated in the development areas and therefore in many cases is particularly convenient to redundant mine workers.