HC Deb 19 April 1967 vol 745 cc575-6
45. Dr. Ernest A. Davies

asked the Minister of Transport what steps she is taking to check the costings of British Railways in assessing losses on socially necessary lines for both closure and grant purposes.

50. Mr. Ridley

asked the Minister of Transport how she intends to assess the subsidy to be paid to the Railways Board in respect of each line to he kept open for social reasons.

Mr. John Morris

I would refer to paragraph 5(a) of the Annex to the White Paper on Transport Policy (Cmnd. 3057) from which it can be seen that these questions have been specifically remitted to the Joint Review of certain aspects of the railway industry established by the Chairman of the Railways Board and my right hon. Friend.

Mr. Ridley

Has the Minister considered the suggestion whereby the Government would hold the track and get competing tenders from various contractors to operate the services on the track?

Mr. Morris

There is no intention to denationalise the railways.

Dr. Ernest A. Davies

Is my hon. Friend aware that his answer will give some satisfaction; and that many hon. Members, particularly on this side of the House, think that costings in the past have been aimed rather at closing railway lines, particularly suburban lines, than at leading to their proper and more intensive use, especially in the suburban areas?

Mr. Morris

Costing has been one of the matters being considered by the joint review, and I can give my hon. Friend every assurance that the new unit will be set up to examine these very services which will rank for subsidy under my right hon. Friend's Bill, and ensure that there is effective machinery to make sure that there are the right kind of services, and that the right kind of subsidy is paid.