HC Deb 13 April 1967 vol 744 c1362
34. Sir E. Boyle

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science on what statutory authority he issued his instructions to voluntary colleges of education contained in College Letter 3/67 that the revised scales for administrative and manual staffs payable with effect from 1st February and 6th March, respectively, in maintained colleges of education should not apply to voluntary colleges.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

The Department did not require any statutory authority to advise voluntary colleges of education on the implications of the Government's Prices and Incomes Policy for the pay of their administrative and manual staff.

Sir E. Boyle

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that we regard this discrimination between local authority colleges and voluntary colleges as very regrettable, and will he accept that the reply which he has given will merely increase the dissatisfaction and concern which I and many others feel on this subject?

Mr. Roberts

I do not accept that my Answer will greatly increase the undoubted disappointment and difficulty which drawing the line here has created. The difficulty is where to draw the line. Once one has done it, one is bound to have certain anomalies coming up.