HC Deb 20 October 1966 vol 734 cc517-9
Mr. MacColl

I beg to move Amendment No. 25 in page 13, line 17, to leave out 'manner of occupation and use' and to insert 'mode or category of occupation'.

This is little more than a drafting Amendment. It defines what are the relevant factors to be taken into account in varying the tone of the list, and the proposal to use the phrase "mode or category of occupation" rather than "manner of occupation" really arises out of a decision of the Lands Tribunal in 1960, in which the mode or category of occupation was defined. It does not seem wise to use a slightly different phrase because that might look as though we were trying to have a different meaning from that laid down by the Land Tri- bunal. It seems best to go back to the form of words proposed.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. MacColl

I beg to move Amendment No. 26, inpage 13, line 19, after the first 'or', to insert ', in the case of a public house,'.

Mr. Deputy Speaker

It might be for the convenience of the House if we also discussed Amendment No. 27.

Mr. MacColl

These Amendments also deal with the tone of the list, and refer particularly to public houses. They are intended to refer only to public houses, but it has been represented to us, particularly by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, that there might be other types of hereditaments where the volume of business was taken into account, but where there was no direct link. There is no intention to include other hereditaments and, therefore, these words would make it clear that this was limited.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In page 13, line 20, at end insert: ; and public house" means a hereditament being or comprising premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises where the sale of such liquor is, or is apart from any other trade or business ancillary or incidental to it, the only trade or business carried on at the hereditament'.—[Mr. MacColl.]