§ 36. Mr. Rankinasked the Lord President of the Council if he will apply Government policy on prices to all service departments in the House of Commons.
§ Mr. CrossmanYes, Sir.
§ Mr. RankinIs my right hon. Friend saying that the Government have a policy 211 on prices? If that be the case, why is it that there is a 10 per cent. increase in prices in the House of Commons when 3 per cent. is all that is necessary to meet the effect of the Selective Employment Tax? Is it because a loss of £18,000 has been incurred in the working of the Catering Department, and is my right hon. Friend going to inquire into that?
§ Mr. CrossmanThe answer to the first part of the supplementary question is "Yes" and the answer to thesecond part is also "Yes".
§ Mr. RankinWhat about the third part?
§ Mr. SpeakerMr. Dickens.
§ Mr. RankinOn a point of order. Do I take it from my right hon. Friend's reply that the answer to the third part is also "Yes"?
§ Mr. SpeakerThat is not a point of order.