HC Deb 18 October 1966 vol 734 c41
Mr. Speaker

I have a brief announcement to make. The House will have seen on our return that the form and style of the Order Paper and Notice Papers have been slightly altered to conform to the pattern recommended by the Services Committee in paragraphs 1–7 of its Second Report of this Session. The changes are, I think, self-explanatory, but there is one point, perhaps, to which I should draw attention. The Services Committee has recommended that the non-effective Orders—those which are not actually being taken on the day—in future should be printed separately. Hon. Members will find these Orders upon the sheet headed "Remaining Orders of the Day and Notices of Motion."

The Order Paper proper will henceforth contain only the effective Orders which it is proposed to take as the current day's business. The Order Paper will, therefore, serve more nearly as an agenda and will, I am sure, be a little less confusing to everyone. I should, however, point out that procedurally it would still be possible, as it always has been, to take a non-effective Order by reading through the non-effective Orders on the sheet which is published separately. I hope that this will commend itself to the House.

Mr. George Jeger

Arising out of your statement, Mr. Speaker, may I ask why the Order Paper of today contains only 17 Questions to the Prime Minister whereas the Notices of Motion and Orders of the Day contain 21 such questions, including one of mine which is not included in the 17 on the Order Paper? May I ask why that was omitted, and what alterations have been made between the two papers?

Mr. Speaker

I am sorry for the hon. Gentleman. His Question has been inadvertently omitted from the Order Paper which is the one we are using. I will look into the matter and find out how the mistake has happened. I am sorry.