HC Deb 14 November 1966 vol 736 cc5-7
8. Mr. Hamling

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resource whether he will now seek powers to achieve leasehold reform.

25. Mr. E. Rowlands

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources when he intends to introduce a Bill for leasehold reform.

26. Mr. Robert Davies

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources when he proposes to introduce a Bill to enable leaseholders to purchase the freehold of their houses.

Mr. Willey

The Bill on leasehold reform is being prepared and will be introduced later this Session.

Mr. Hamling

Will my right hon. Friend assure the House that Crown leases and flats will be included in such legislation?

Mr. Willey

My hon. Friend will have seen and read the White Paper.

Mr. Rowlands

Will my right hon. Friend assure us that soon is really soon, and will he take into account the tremendous pressure which is being put upon existing leaseholders by ground landlords to try to force them to settle before the Bill becomes law?

Mr. Willey

We shall introduce the Bill as soon as possible.

Mr. Allason

Why the delay? This was promised in the Gracious Speech over two years ago.

Mr. Willey

There has been no delay. We have introduced the White Paper, and since the White Paper we have been preparing the legislation.

Mr. Graham Page

Will the right hon. Gentleman now abandon, when he produces the Bill, his previous proposal for giving away an owner's house without any compensation to the owner for the building of it?

Mr. Willey

No, Sir; I assure the hon. Gentleman that we have no intention of departing from the White Paper.

11. Mr. Luard

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources what upper limit of rateable value he proposes to introduce as the qualification for enfranchisement in the legislation on leasehold reform he is to introduce shortly.

Mr. Willey

I must ask my hon. Friend to await the publication of the Bill.

Mr. Luard

Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that there is now clear evidence that a substantial proportion of properties, notably in some areas, are above the limit formerly imposed for this purpose and that it is therefore particularly important that the limit he proposed previously should now be raised?

Mr. Willey

My hon. Friend will be aware that we have obtained further evidence in the light of inquiries which he and some of his hon. Friends have made.

Mr. Graham Page

What is the principle of law or morality which applies to different rateable values when legalised theft of property is being instituted?

Mr. Willey

We are here providing a greater measure of security of tenure and are following the pattern set by the Rent Act.

27. Mr. Robert Davies

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources the number of leasehold houses in Cambridge and the number of those with a rateable value over £200;and if he will consider increasing to more than £200 the limit of rateable value of leasehold houses to which leasehold enfranchisement will apply.

Mr. Willey

Approximately 1,750, of which some 300 have a rateable value of more than £200. As to the second part of the Question, I must ask my hon. Friend to await the publication of the Bill.

Mr. Davies

In thanking my right hon. Friend for that information, may I ask him to give very careful consideration to the ceiling, since a figure of £200 is wholly arbitrary and impossible to justify?

Mr. Willey

Yes, certainly.