HC Deb 18 May 1966 vol 728 c1319
26. Mr. Wallace

asked the Postmaster-General when he proposes to give further information about the Giro.

Mr. Benn

A booklet will be published early in July next giving details of the services which Giro will offer and how they can be used to best advantage by business firms and private individuals.

Mr. Wallace

Is my right hon. Friend aware that, in spite of the remarks made earlier by the hon. Member for Howden (Mr. Bryan) on the subject of planted Questions, many of us are keenly interested in the work of the Post Office, and we are inspired by the drive and initiative which he is showing as Postmaster-General?

Mr. Stratton-Mills

Has the Postmaster-General considered the possibility of separating the Post Office banking service into a more clearly defined separate department?

Mr. Benn

That is a different question.