HC Deb 03 May 1966 vol 727 c1411
26. Mr. David Price

asked the Minister of Technology what action he has taken, or is proposing to take, to fulfil his responsibilities as the sponsoring Minister for the telecommunications industry.

Mr. Dell

Our objectives are to promote the efficiency and competitiveness of the telecommunications industry. Discussions with the individual firms in the industry are in progress.

Mr. Price

Who is responsible for placing R and D and pre-production contracts? Is it the Post Office, which is the main Government user of the industry, or the hon. Gentleman's Ministry?

Mr. Dell

It is the Post Office.

Mr. Marten

Does this work extend to telecommunications by satellite and, if so, is there a Government programme for telecommunications?

Mr. Dell

That is another question which the hon. Gentleman had better put on the Order Paper.