HC Deb 03 May 1966 vol 727 cc1398-9
5. Mr. Fisher

asked the Minister of Overseas Development how the amount of British Government aid to the territories of the Eastern Caribbean compares with that allocated to other colonies and independent Commonwealth countries; and whether he will estimate when the Tripartite Economic Survey will be completed.

Mr. Oram

In 1965 British Government aid to the dependent territories of the Eastern Caribbean averaged out at the rate of about £4 4s. per head. For other dependent territories the corresponding average was just under £3 per head and for all independent Commonwealth countries in receipt of aid the figure was just over 3s.

The Tripartite Economic Survey has just completed its work and I understand that its report will be forwarded to the sponsoring Governments shortly.

Mr. Fisher

While I accept that the Eastern Caribbean is not doing at all badly in relation to other territories, may I ask whether the Minister can indicate at this stage what the economic prospects are likely to be for the future in view of the Tripartite Survey? Will there be an improvement?

Mr. Oram

It is too early for me to say anything about the contents of the Tripartite Survey. I ask the hon. Member to await further information on this point.

Sir C. Osborne

How far are the Government entitled to keep making gifts and loans to these Governments when we ourselves are having to borrow money continually from America?

Mr. Oram

I thought that hon. Members on all sides of the House were agreed that the problem of world poverty is one which we are willing to tackle.