HC Deb 07 March 1966 vol 725 cc1689-90
2. Mr. Peter Mills

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources if he will now publish the White Paper on the future of National Parks and the Countryside.

Mr. Skeffington

The White Paper was published on 28th February, 1966.

Mr. Mills

Will the Minister, while considering the future of our National Parks, bear in mind the very real need of certain areas, such as Okehampton on the fringe of Dartmoor, which are seeking to explore for tin which would be of great benefit to the area, but which are frustrated at every stage?

Mr. Skeffington

If the hon. Member would care to let me have details—or the Minister of Housing and Local Government where this comes into his sphere—we should, I am sure, be glad to investigate the matter.

Mr. Ennals

While congratulating my right hon. Friend on the White Paper Leisure in the Countryside, may I ask if he will give particular support to the campaign referred to by the Civic Trust to remove eyesores from the countryside? In particular, apart from securing the support of voluntary organisations and local authorities, will he secure the support of the Ministry of Defence in removing some of the barbed wire and concrete obstructions which spoil some of the coastline, particularly the Channel coast?

Mr. Skeffington

My hon. Friend will notice that in the White Paper we pay particular attention to the part played by the Civic Trust and also to clearing those areas. My right hon. Friend is having discussions with all the Departments concerned.