HC Deb 07 March 1966 vol 725 cc1745-6

9. That a sum, not exceeding £1,018,284 19s. 5d., be granted to Her Majesty, to make good excesses on certain grants for Civil Services, for the year ended on the 31st day of March 1965.

CLASS I £ s. d. £ s. d.
2. House of Commons
Excess Expenditure 28,781 9 4
Add—Deficiency on Subhead Z 1,003 5 1
29,784 14 5
5. Commonwealth Grants and Loans
Subhead F.3.—Malawi (Grants in Aid): Excess Expenditure 188,000 0 0
Less—Net savings available on other subheads 187,990 0 0
10 0 0
1. Ministry of Housing and Local Government
Subhead H.3.—Flood Relief (Grant in Aid): Expenditure not supported by statutory authority 1,249 4 7
Less—Net savings available on Vote 1,239 4 7
10 0 0
2A. Welsh Office
Subhead C.—Flood Relief (Grant in Aid): Expenditure not supported by statutory authority 25,000 0 0
Less—Saving available on Vote 24,990 0 0
10 0 0
9C Awards to Students
Excess Expenditure 7,001 10 8
Less—Appropriations in Aid 40 13 8
6,960 17 0
12. Teachers' Superannuation (Scotland)
Excess Expenditure 21,040 13 8
Less—Appropriations in Aid 21,030 13 8
10 0 0
17. National Health Service (Superannuation &c.), England and Wales
Excess Expenditure 209,763 15 11
Less—Appropriations in Aid 209,753 15 11
10 0 0
23. National Assistance Board Excess Expenditure 1,047,057 11 1
Less—Appropriations in Aid 65,588 3 1
981,469 8 0
1. Universities and Colleges &c., Great Britain Excess Expenditure 153,990 9 8
Less—Savings available on other subheads 153,980 9 8
10 0 0
7. Public Trustee
Excess Expenditure 488 19 6
Less—Appropriations in Aid 478 19 6
10 0 0
Total, Civil (Excesses) £ 1,018,284 19 5

Mr. SPEAKER proceeded, pursuant to Order, to put forthwith with respect to each Resolution the Question, That this

House doth agree with the Committee in that Resolution.

Resolutions agreed to.