HC Deb 03 March 1966 vol 725 cc1468-9
24. Mr. J. E. B. Hill

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what action he is taking upon the Brynmor Jones Report on audio-visual aids in higher scientific education.

Mr. Prentice

The main recommendations of the Report are being considered by the Department, in consultation with the University Grants Committee and the Scottish Education Department. Meanwhile, the universities and other institutions concerned are taking the Report into account in planning their own development.

Mr. Hill

While acknowledging the very valuable work that is being done by existing organisations in this field up to date, may I ask whether the time has not come to accept the main recommendation of the Brynmor Jones Report to establish a national centre which will have a complete library of programmes and also a standing exhibition of all the equipment that is available?

Mr. Prentice

It is this proposal, along with the complementary proposals about service units, which are being discussed at the moment between my Department, the University Grants Committee and the Scottish Office.

Mr. Gresham Cooke

Will the hon. Gentleman take particularly into account the availability of teaching machines which seem specially well adapted to teaching mathematics and science even at the higher level? Is that the type of machine on which he would look favourably?

Mr. Prentice

We are in favour of the spread of visual aids of all kinds, but without notice I should not like to distinguish between the merits of one type and another. Teaching machines, along with other equipment, are spreading in their use throughout the schools system.