HC Deb 02 March 1966 vol 725 c1289
27. Mr. Buchanan-Smith

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food why tests for leptospirosis were not carried out on the Charollais cattle recently imported whilst these cattle were in quarantine in France.

Mr. Peart

It has been common international practice, which in the past we have found sufficient, to rely on tests for diseases like leptospirosis before entry into quarantine. In view of our recent experience, however, we are re-examining our conditions.

Mr. Buchanan-Smith

Would the right hon. Gentleman accept that it would be more logical to test these animals while they are in quarantine? Would he agree that it would save expense and trouble if the tests were carried out before these animals were brought into the country? Would not this remove the cause for concern to breeders in this country?

Mr. Peart

I accept that the position is not fully covered, but it is a question of what should be done. We are looking in our discussions for further safeguards, and this is the right approach. I could give the hon. Gentleman details, but my reply would be too long. I will merely say at this point that I should like the animals to be selected only from farms which have good health records, then to be tested on the farm during the weeks of pre-quarantine and then, during the quarantine period to be tested again. Such a series of stages might be the answer.