HC Deb 27 June 1966 vol 730 cc1236-7

Mr. Maudling (by Private Notice) asked the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations whether he will make a statement on the adjournment of the discussions with Rhodesian officials.

The Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations (Mr. Arthur Bottomley)

The exploratory talks with Rhodesian officials have not been adjourned. Mr. Oliver Wright, a member of the British team, has returned to London to report to the British Government, but the talks are continuing.

Mr. Maudling

We are all glad to hear that talks are continuing. Can the right hon. Gentleman give any estimate of when he expects to see substantial progress of a character which could be reported to the House?

Mr. Bottomley

No, Sir. I do not think that I can add anything further. The talks are continuing. We can all express hopes as to the future.

Mr. Thorpe

Since the object of the talks was merely to explore whether there were matters upon which negotiations could subsequently take place, may we know what there is left to explore?

Mr. Bottomley

Obviously, there is something still worth exploring, otherwise the talks would not be continuing.

Mr. Mendelson

Has my right hon. Friend seen the statement attributed to Mr. Smith that in his opinion it is not really difficult to come to an agreement and that no real difficulty is at stake? In the light of that statement, will my right hon. Friend reaffirm that Her Majesty's Government will not enter into serious negotiations unless it is quite clear the five principles outlined by the Prime Minister are being fully adhered to?

Mr. Bottomley

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Sandys

While we cannot expect the Secretary of State to give us any detailed information about the talks, may I ask him whether it has been made clear that the British Government are no longer insisting on a return to direct Governor's rule, because otherwise the talks are a sheer waste of time?

Mr. Bottomley

No, I think that the Government have made it clear that there must be a return to constitutional rule. That is the requirement.

Mr. Winnick

Will my right hon. Friend confirm that the sanctions against the illegal régime are still being vigorously applied?

Mr. Bottomley

Yes, Sir.

Mr. Biggs-Davison

I gave notice to you, Mr. Speaker, that I intended to seek leave to move the Adjournment of the House. Is this not the appropriate moment?

Mr. Speaker

I received the hon. Member's message. This is not the appropriate moment.