HC Deb 28 July 1966 vol 732 c1886
38. Mr. Fowler

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what plans there are to establish a chair of industrial training, and to develop a department to specialise in this field of study in any centre of higher education.

Mr. Goronwy Roberts

A Committee of the Central Training Council is considering the possible creation of a national centre of industrial training in association with an institution of higher education, and a number of institutions have shown interest in the subject. The establishment of a chair would be a matter for the university concerned.

Mr. Fowler

If such a department were established, does my hon. Friend not agree that it would be suitable to establish it in a university in one of the development areas?

Mr. Roberts

I would not wish to offer a view on the merits of a national centre until the Central Training Council has fully considered every aspect of this important matter.