HC Deb 27 July 1966 vol 732 c1713
30. Mr. Wolrige-Gordon

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what consultations he has had with the fishing industry with regard to the subsidies to be paid in the year to 31st July 1967.

Mr. Willis

Representatives of Scottish inshore and herring fishermen met my officials on 29th April and myself on 27th June; the Scottish Trawlers Federation met my officials on 17th June about a claim for supplementary subsidies but declined the offer of a later meeting with me.

Mr. Wolrige-Gordon

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that these consultations seem to have had very little effect, and that the reductions proposed in the subsidy bear most heavily on the smallest boats? How much consultation do the Government need before they become aware of the importance of the fishing industry to the Scottish economy?

Mr. Willis

All the points made to me by the fishermen have been considered. The points made by them last year have been responsible for some of the changes which have been made in the scheme this year.

Mr. Noble

Is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that the fishing industry suggested to his Department that the heaviest cuts should be made on the smallest boats?

Mr. Willis

I did not suggest anything of the kind. What I said was in reply to the Question as to what consideration was given to them. They were fully considered, and their views have had an effect on the subsidy.