HC Deb 19 July 1966 vol 732 cc374-5
Q2. Mr. St. John-Stevas

asked the Prime Minister whether the public speech of the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs, on 27th June, concerning the nationalisation of the docks, represents the policy of Her Majesty's Government.

The Prime Minister

Yes, Sir.

Mr. St. John-Stevas

Will the Prime Minister give a categorical repudiation of this mischievous and improper statement of the First Secretary, and will he achieve a double by repudiating at the same time the confiscatory plan for the nationalisation of steel which has done so much to undermine investment confidence in Britain abroad?

The Prime Minister

My answer to the Question was "Yes, Sir" and not "No, Sir". That is what I said the first time, and that is what I am saying now. Proposals about the future of the docks have been very carefully considered. This matter was put before the country in the General Election, but we made it plain then that we were not proposing to legislate in this Session on this problem because the most urgent thing on which the House has been asked to legislate is the fulfilment of the Devlin Report, which did not deal with wider questions of ownership of the industry.

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