HC Deb 18 July 1966 vol 732 cc35-6
46. Mr. Walters

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will publish the records relating to Mr. Alfred Newton, a member of the Special Operations Executive, in order to confirm his promotion to captain on the field.

Mrs. White

Mr. Newton's personal file shows that he was gazetted 2nd lieutenant in July, 1942, and that he was promoted lieutenant in October that year. There is no record of his having been promoted to captain or of a message in this sense having ever been passed to him in France.

Mr. Walters

Is the hon. Lady aware that two documents were sent by the War Office in which "captain" was overtyped by "lieutenant", and that one of these, a letter dated 26th July, 1946, is still in Mr. Newton's possession, and that Flight Officer Vera Atkins, one of Colonel Buckmaster's assistants, is prepared to say that, as far as she can remember, a message was sent about his promotion to captain. Bearing in mind Mr. Newton's outstanding record and the treatment which he received, should not the Minister look into the matter more sympathetically and not just quote the record?

Mrs. White

I was asked what the records would show if we published them. We have examined the records most carefully, and they do not indicate what the hon. Gentleman suggests. But Mr. Newton is someone for whom we all must have the greatest respect and regard, and if the hon. Member has any evidence which he would like to bring to our notice we should be very glad indeed to study it.

Dame Irene Ward

Is the hon. Lady aware that I have already raised this matter and that I have been asked to allow the correspondence to go on to the Minister of Defence? Is it not a fact that in view of the treatment meted out to Mr. Newton it is about time those concerned took the matter seriously, especially in view of the very small award that he is at present getting from Her Majesty's Government?

Mrs. White

With great respect to the hon. Lady, Mr. Newton is receiving 100 per cent. disability pension and other payments. He has also been compensated from the West German Government compensation fund for victims of Nazi persecution. I repeat that if there is any further evidence as to his rank-we have nothing in our records-we shall be glad to look at it.

Mr. Dodds-Parker

The whole House will welcome what the hon. Lady has said about trying to do her best to give moral recognition to this very gallant officer.