§ 2. Sir C. Osborneasked the Postmaster-General, what reply he has sent to the communication from the National Federation of Sub-Postmasters, whose membership is around 23,000, which has demanded greater protection against 1442 raiders, and flogging as a punishment for crimes of violence; and if he will make a statement.
§ Mr. Joseph SlaterRepresentatives of the Federation have been invited to meet my right hon. Friend's security advisers to discuss what more can be done to protect sub-post office staff. The Federation made no reference to flogging.
§ Sir C. OsborneDoes not the Minister feel for the sub-postmasters and sub-postmistresses, especially in the rural areas, who have been brutally beaten up? Since these thugs continue with their work, ought not some punishment to be administered to them to stop them?
§ Mr. SlaterIn regard to the latter part of that supplementary question, punishment for these crimes is a matter not for the Post Office but for my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for the Home Department. In regard to the sub-postmasters and what we are able to do, I can tell the hon. Member that in view of the telegram that was sent, a meeting is taking place today between the Secretary of the Sub-Postmasters' Association and the Director of Postal Services on this matter.
§ Mr. WhitakerWhile sympathising with the Federation as regards the second part of the question, may I ask my hon. Friend to send to the Federation, and to the hon. Member for Louth (Sir C. Osborne), a copy of the Report of the Advisory Committee on the Treatment of Offenders, which unanimously rejected flogging both as being counter-effective and on merit?