HC Deb 13 July 1966 vol 731 c1461

48. Mr. Alfred Morris asked the Attorney-General what consultations have taken place between the Lord Chancellor's department and Manchester Corporation in relation to the salary increase for the city's stipendiary magistrate; what consultations were promised; and if he will make a statement.

The Attorney-General

Consultations between the Lord Chancellor's Department id Manchester Corporation took place in accordance with the normal practice in dealing with increases in the salaries of provincial stipendiary magistrates. During the course of these consultations the Corporation was given every opportunity to express its views. No consultations were promised beyond those which in fact took place.

Mr. Morris

I thank my right hon. and learned Friend for that reply, but is he aware that there has been some expression of disappointment that correspondence was substituted for direct consultation? is he aware that I am pleased that he has clarified the matter? What consultation was there with other major provincial centres?

The Attorney-General

I think that the consultations which took place in regard to Manchester also took place with other cities which were affected by the changes.

Mr. Carlisle

Would the right hon. and learned Gentleman agree that the increase proposed for the Manchester stipendiary magistrate is identical with the increases granted by the House for the 35 Metropolitan magistrates? Would he not agree that the work of the former is equally arduous and responsible?

The Attorney-General

With respect, I do not think that those questions arise from the main Question.