HC Deb 13 July 1966 vol 731 c1459
45. Mr. John Smith

asked the Attorney-General whether the Government will take steps by legislation or otherwise to grant legal aid to petitioners against Private Bills.

The Attorney-General

It is doubtful whether legal aid on the lines now available for civil litigation would be of assistance to petitioners against Private Bills. I should, however, be glad to consider any evidence the hon. Member may have to the contrary.

Mr. Smith

Is not the Attorney-General aware that, nowadays, Private Bills such as the annual Transport Bill or the present London Transport Bill can have very serious consequences for individuals because of the demolition of their homes and that few individuals nowadays can possibly afford to petition?

The Attorney-General

I am not aware of any evidence that hardship has been caused in the past, but, as I have said, if the hon. Member can draw a case to my notice, the matter will be considered.