HC Deb 26 January 1966 vol 723 cc210-1
36. Mr. Raphael Tuck

asked the Attorney-General what persons or body of persons were consulted as to the advisability of enabling undefended divorces to be heard in the county courts; and what persons or body of persons advised in favour of and against the change, respectively.

The Attorney-General

My noble Friend the Lord Chancellor has had numerous discussions with different persons and bodies, with responsibilities or special knowledge and experience in this field.

Many of these discussions have been of a confidential character, and it would be wrong to disclose information in regard either to particular persons or bodies consulted, or to the views which they have expressed.

Mr. Tuck

Is my right hon. and learned Friend aware that when the county court judges were asked their opinion only one declared in favour of this transfer of jurisdiction? Since county court judges will be the main judges concerned if this jurisdiction is transferred, does my right hon. and learned Friend feel that it is time to consider this matter again? Incidentally, will there be a free vote?

The Attorney-General

This is a matter of public policy about which Parliament will have to decide, upon its merits. I am sure that county court judges, if I may say so with respect to my hon. Friend, deprecate any attempt to involve them in these issues of public policy. As to whether the matter will be subject to a free vote, my hon. Friend must wait and see.

Sir J. Hobson

May I ask the Attorney-General when the Lord Chancellor will make public the scheme which we believe him to be now studying, so that those interested may know about it? Can he, further, say what interval there will be between the publication of that scheme and legislation?

The Attorney-General

Publication of the scheme proposed will be made with due expedition.

Sir Knox Cunningham

Can the right hon. and learned Gentleman say, if this transfer is made, how many appointments it will be necessary to make to the county court bench?

The Attorney-General

I am not sure that this arises out of the Question, but it is not contemplated that any increase in the strength of the county court bench will be required. If it proved necessary the additional appointments would be made.

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