HC Deb 26 January 1966 vol 723 cc214-5
44. Mr. John Hynd

asked the Minister of Transport whether she will give an assurance that, when the pensions of superannuated railwaymen are increased, at least equal provision will be made for the majority of railwaymen who received no railway pension on their retirement.

Mr. Swingler

No, Sir.

Mr. Hynd

In view of the considerable organised pressure on behalf of those railwaymen who have been fortunate enough to retire on superannuation benefits, may we have a very firm assurance that this will not obscure consideration of the real need, which is in resnect of those many railwaymen who retired without any benefit whatever or on a purely nominal annual sum?

Mr. Swingler

My hon. Friend knows that the Railways Board, like other bodies, has submitted to my right hon. Friend proposals for superannuitants. She is considering those proposals and an announcement will be made shortly. The proposition which my hon. Friend puts forward goes very much wider. It is that a pension should be paid to those who did not make any contributions. This affects a much wider section of workers and is a matter which will require deep consideration.

Sir Harmar Nicholls

Will the hon. Gentleman bear in mind that there is very wide support for the proposition that further consideration should be given to this matter on grounds of equity and fairness to all the people engaged in the railway service?

Mr. Swingler

I want to get these two matters distinct. We know that there is wide support in the House for the granting of an increase to railway super-annuitants. Proposals have been put to my right hon. Friend on that matter and an announcement on it will be made shortly. But the other proposition, namely, that a pension should be paid to those who have made no contributions, is very much wider.