HC Deb 24 February 1966 vol 725 cc685-6
Mr. MacColl

I beg to move Amendment No. 1, in page 2, line 41, at the end to insert: Provided that, where the notice under the said subsection (1) is given after the service of a demand note for rates for the rate period in which the effective date of that notice falls, the requirements of paragraph (a) of this subsection shall be deemed to be satisfied if that demand note included the statement required in consequence of the notice. There are two circumstances in which payment by instalments—a question that we are now back on, after our adventures—can be claimed as of right. The first is the case where a notice is given before the demand. That presents no difficulties. The other is where the notice is given after the demand. Then the local authority, having received the notice, has to provide certain particulars in the statement which has to be made in response to the notice.

This has caused special difficulties in the case of all those authorities whom we wish to encourage, namely, the mechanised authorities and, particularly, the computerised authorities. They, through their computers, put on to the rate claimed many particulars, including particulars of the instalments to be made. Under the Bill as at present drafted, it would be necessary for them to re-issue the particulars, which would be a waste of time and a discouragement to modernisation, which the Government have so much at heart.

Therefore, the Amendment proposes that, if the particulars are on the rate claim form, they do not have to be given later, in response to the notice. I think that everyone would agree that this is a businesslike approach.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. MacColl

I beg to move Amendment No. 2, in page 4, line 13, to leave out "that subsection" and to insert: the said subsection (1) in accordance with subsection (2)(a) of this section". This is a drafting Amendment to make it clear that a ratepayer who defaults on the payment of an instalment and whose notice is thereupon cancelled is not entitled to give a fresh notice in the same year but has to wait and make another application in the three-month period 1st February-30th April or give notice to pay by instalments in the next year. This makes it clear for the avoidance of doubt.

Mr. Cole

I rise only to clear up a doubt. I think the Parliamentary Secretary read the word "main" instead of "said". I think he meant to say "said", but I wanted to be clear that that is what we are voting on.

Mr. MacColl indicated assent. Amendment agreed to.