HC Deb 17 February 1966 vol 724 c1515
14. Mr. Blaker

asked the President of the Board of Trade, in view of the emphasis in the National Plan on the need to give priority to those sectors of industry which can make the greatest contribution to strengthening the balance of payments, what proposals he has for encouraging investment in the hotel and catering industry.

Mr. Mason

I would refer the hon. Member to the Answer given on 31st January to the hon. Member for Bournemouth, West (Sir J. Eden).

Mr. Blaker

Does not the hon. Gentleman recall that the President of the Board of Trade gave as the reason for the exclusion of the industry from the system of investment grants the fact that only 10 per cent. of its earnings are in foreign currency? Will he draw his right hon. Friend's attention to the point that the hotel industry is the very heart of the tourist industry as a whole and that, if it does not modernise at the pace it should, the whole tourist industry will suffer?

Mr. Mason

I am not satisfied that the hotel industry will be severely hurt. It will have the initial allowance, increased from 10 to 30 per cent. Development districts are to be widened and, consequently, all those who wish to build or expand hotels in those regions, thereby providing assistance in dealing with the unemployment situation, will be able to get a 25 per cent. building grant. The whole industry is being indirectly assisted by the £2 million grant in aid that we give to the B.T.A.

Mr. Barber

Can the hon. Gentleman name a single industrial or commercial body in favour of the Government's new proposals? If so, which?

Mr. Mason

Most of them.

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