HC Deb 10 February 1966 vol 724 cc592-3
13. Mr. Palmer

asked the First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Economic Affairs in view of the prices and incomes policy of the Government, what principles are now followed by Her Majesty's Government, in consultation with the nationalised industries, regarding normal wages and salaries negotiations in front of the negotiating machinery established under the various nationalisation statutes and to which both nationalised boards and trade unions are parties.

Mr. George Brown

In accordance with the principles laid down in the White Paper on the "Early Warning" system (Command 2808), the nationalised industries are providing the Government with information on pay claims, the progress of negotiations, and the terms of settlements.

Mr. Palmer

Would my right hon. Friend confirm that it is not the intention of the Government or the policy of the Prices and Incomes Board to interfere with the normal day-to-day process of collective bargaining, and that the nationalised industries are in the same position as everyone else?

Mr. Brown

The nationalised industries are in the same position as everyone else, and all the normal processes of collective bargaining will, I hope, be in accord with the criterion laid down in the White Paper.