HC Deb 15 December 1966 vol 738 cc637-8
13. Mr. Dalyell

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what measures he is taking to encourage pupils to study engineering, either while they are still at school or subsequent to their leaving school.

Mr. Redhead

An inter-departmental Working Party on which the Department is represented has, among other activities, arranged for the preparation of films and exhibitions and the publication of a booklet and a magazine, both widely distributed to schools. The Schools Council is studying ways of ensuring that the curriculum gives pupils a sense of the importance of technology and develops their practical and creative ability.

Mr. Dalyell

When does my hon. Friend expect the results of this study?

Mr. Redhead

I am not able to give a precise date when the Schools Council study will be completed, but if my hon. Friend will keep in touch with me on the subject, I will be happy to give him any further information that becomes available.

Mr. Charles Morrison

Is the hon. Gentleman satisfied with the numbers studying engineering? Will he undertake to ensure that there is better and greater contact between the engineering world and the schools?

Mr. Redhead

I am well satisfied that there is increasing contact. Indeed, its importance is widely recognised and we are anxious to encourage it.