HC Deb 02 August 1966 vol 733 cc233-5
21. Mr. Urwin

asked the Minister of Power if he will give a general direction to the Coal Board to halt all scheduled pit closures in order to restore confidence to men currently employed in the coalmining industry.

Mr. Marsh

No. Sir.

Mr. Urwin

Is my right hon. Friend not aware of the serious continuing drain of manpower from the mining industry and, arising from that, the real danger that we shall not be able to meet fuel requirements in future? In the light of these circumstances, is it not absolutely essential to restore confidence in the industry so that it may meet these requirements in future?

Mr. Marsh

This matter has been raised on many occasions. I have felt for a long time that the cause of the drift from the industry is not lack of confidence but alternative employment opportunities. As some evidence of that, last week my hon. Friend quoted a figure of 12.5 per cent. reduction in the rate of drift from the pits. In the most recent eight-week period the reduction has been 15.7 per cent. compared with the same period last year.

Mr. Kelley

In view of the fact that yesterday my right hon. Friend showed reluctance to estimate the tonnage for 1967 because he was not aware of certain trends in the industry, would it not be wise to show a little more reluctance about closing pits at this juncture?

Mr. Marsh

One thing which causes the coal mining industry enormous damage is if it tries to run on the basis of keeping open pits which are a burden on the industry, but there has been a considerable decrease in the rate of the drift from the pits.

Mr. Alison

Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that, since the wastage is greatest from the most economic pits, the Prime Minister's phrase about the need for a manpower shake-out as applied to the coal-mining industry as a basis for justifying capital cuts was a particularly inept and meaningless phrase?

Mr. Marsh

The first part of that supplementary question is not accurate. Therefore the second part does not apply.

Mr. Harold Walker

Will my right hon. Friend give an assurance that there will be no import of coal during the coming winter?

Mr. Marsh

That is another question.