HC Deb 02 August 1966 vol 733 cc236-7
25. Mr. Fisher

asked the Minister of Overseas Development whether, and to what extent, Her Majesty's Government will assist the Government of Malawi to resite the capital of the country at Lilongwe.

The Minister of Overseas Development (Mr. Anthony Greenwood)

The answer to die first part of the Question is, No; the second part does not therefore arise. Britain is, of course, already providing Malawi with substantial aid both in support of her budget and for the productive development of the country.

Mr. Fisher

Is the Minister aware that Dr. Banda is personally committed to this project, on good economic and geographical grounds, that he is, far more than most African leaders, a supporter of British policies, and that it is sometimes a good idea to back one's friends? Is this not a case where political as well as economic considerations should be borne in mind?

Mr. Greenwood

I fully appreciate what the hon. Gentleman says, but in our deployment of aid we have to give priority to the most productive development which will reduce Malawi's present dependence on Britain for budgetary assistance. The hon. Gentleman should remember that at the moment we are meeting about one-third of Malawi's total annual budgetary expenditure.

Mr. Sandys

Without discussing the merits of this proposal, should not the Minister, when allocating our limited money available for overseas aid, favour those countries which treat us with friendship and courtesy in preference to those which do nothing but abuse us and insult us?

Mr. Greenwood

I take into account all relevant considerations.

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