HC Deb 25 April 1966 vol 727 cc349-55
29. Mr. Frank Allaun

asked the Minister of Housing and Local Government if he will issue a statement showing week by week since they started operations the number of determinations of the rent officers, in London and in other areas, stating how many rents have been reduced, increased or kept the same, the numbers of applications for rent changes outstanding, the numbers submitted to the rent assessment committees, the totals of the above weekly figures, and an approximate average of the original rents and of the rents agreed upon and registered.

The Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (Mr. James MacColl)

With permission, I will circulate the figures in the OFFICIAL, REPORT. As regards rent levels, there have not yet been sufficient determinations by rent assessment committees to enable meaningful comparisons to be made.

Mr. Allaun

Is my hon. Friend aware that many of us were appalled by the first four decisions of the rent assessment committees sharply increasing the figures fixed by the rent officer, and, in two cases of a very ordinary flat, placing £10 a week including rates on it? It is not clear that they are not excluding the shortage factor which the Act says must be ignored and which accounts for all this housing exploitation?

Mr. MacColl

I have no reason to suppose that the rent assessment committees ignore the provisions of the Act. I think the number of determinations is too few for one to obtain any clear measure of what is happening.

Mr. Lubbock

Could the hon. Gentleman think of some way of keeping us informed regularly of the figures asked for by the hon. Member for Salford, East (Mr. Frank Allaun) in this Question, perhaps on a monthly basis or even on a quarterly basis?

Mr. MacColl

We certainly hope to be able to supply fairly frequently figures relating to what is happening.

Mr. Lipton

Will my hon. Friend look at some of the extraordinary decisions which have been made by the rent officers in the London Borough of Lambeth where exorbitant rents are being fixed at levels much higher than landlords themselves have asked for in the first instance? Does not this completely defeat the object for which we thought we were putting this Act on the Statute Book?

Mr. MacColl

If, as my hon. Friend says, these are determinations of the rent officers, no doubt he will advise his constituents to see that they appeal to the rent assessment committees.

Mr. Hector Hughes

Does my hon. Friend observe that the Question includes the words "other areas", and will he therefore give the relevant figures for Scotland as well as for England?

Mr. MacColl

I think it would be more than my life was worth to give any figures for Scotland.

Mr. Gresham Cooke

Does not this Act of Parliament bring out what a number of us have been saying for some time, that some of the rents in London have been fixed unrealistically low and that it is quite right that they should be brought to a proper level?

Mr. MacColl

I say to the hon. Gentleman as I do to my hon. Friends that I think it is too early to try to give a quick generalisation about this situation. I think we should watch the position to see what is happening. It is comforting to see that decisions are going both ways and that landlords as well as tenants are getting unsatisfactory decisions. That may happen when we are reaching a balance.

Mr. Sydney Silverman

Can my hon. Friend say whether, under the Act or under the Regulations made under the Act, there is any obligation on these committees to give reasons for the decisions at which they arrive? If there is no such obligation, would it not be a sensible and practical amendment of the law to provide that they should be obliged to give these

Determinations by Rent Officers
Rent Assessment Panel Area Total Determined Rent Reduced Rent Unchanged Rent Increased Applications outstanding with Rent Officers References to Rent Assessment Committee
LONDON (In operation from 3rd January, 1966) 1966
Week ending 8th January 2 2 800
Week ending 15th January 1,555
Week ending 22nd January 3 1 1 1 2,317
Week ending 29th January 21 20 1 2,849
Week ending 5th February 60 36 8 16 3,264 2
Week ending 12th February 97 62 15 20 3,569 2
Week ending 19th February 180 143 13 24 3,759 8
Week ending 26th February 196 159 18 19 4,025 25
Week ending 5th March 134 107 9 18 4,360 39
Week ending 12th March 175 135 20 20 4,497 55
Week ending 19th March 172 115 26 31 4,731 50
Week ending 26th March 284 136 104 44 4,699 43
Week ending 2nd April 217 142 23 52 4,787 46
Week ending 9th April 130 99 13 18 4,916 62
Week ending 16th April 170 100 24 46 4,988 33
TOTALS 1,841 1,255 276 310 365
WEST MIDLAND (In operation from 14th February, 1966) 1966
Week ending 19th February 76
Week ending 26th February 100
Week ending 5th March 9 4 1 4 140 1
Week ending 12th March 13 8 5 179
Week ending 19th March 33 18 8 7 201
Week ending 26th March 27 23 2 2 220 6
Week ending 2nd April 28 18 2 8 233 3
Week ending 9th April 16 12 4 240
Week ending 16th April 59 11 44 4 222 10
TOTALS 185 94 57 34 20

reasons so that comparisons can be made?

Mr. MacColl

I think that this is controlled by the procedures which are laid down by the president of the panel in each case. So far as I know, there is every intention to supply the fullest information that can be given about what is happening in relation to these decisions.

Mr. Allaun

In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the reply, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter at the earliest possible moment.

Following are the figures:

Determinations by Rent Officers
Rent Assessment Panel Area Total Determined Rent Reduced Rent Unchanged Rent Increased Applications outstanding with Rent Officers References to Rent Assessment Committee
YORKSHIRE (In operation from 28th February, 1996) 1996
Week ending 5th March 1 1 72
Week ending 12th March 1 1 122
Week ending 19th March 5 3 1 1 160
Week ending 26th March 21 15 1 5 169
Week ending 2nd April 15 10 2 3 177 3
Week ending 9th April 16 13 3 168 1
Week ending 16th April 22 9 2 11 169 3
TOTALS 81 51 6 24 7
NORTHERN (In operation from 28th February, 1966) 1966
Week ending 5th March 56
Week ending 12th March 2 2 90
Week ending 19th March 6 4 2 167
Week ending 26th March 11 9 2 181
Week ending 2nd April 20 17 3 185
Week ending 9th April 21 13 3 5 181 2
Week ending 16th April 10 8 2 188 2
TOTALS 70 53 3 14 4
EAST MIDLAND (In operation from 16th March, 1966) 1966
16th March–26th March 1 1 47
Week ending 2nd April 5 2 3 76
Week ending 9th April 4 3 1 78
Week ending 16th April 14 10 4 82 1
TOTALS 24 15 9 1
BRISTOL (In operation from 16th March, 1966) 1966
16th March–26th March 1 1 22
Week ending 2nd April 3 3 22
Week ending 9th April 2 1 1 24
Week ending 16th April 2 1 1 28
TOTALS 8 2 6
SURREY AND SUSSEX (In operation from 28th March, 1966) 1966
Week ending 2nd April 63
Week ending 9th April 95
Week ending 16th April 104
Determinations by Rent Officers
Rent Assessment Panel Area Total Determined Rent Reduced Rent Unchanged Rent Increased Applications outstanding with Rent Officers References to Rent Assessment Committee
MANCHESTER (In operation from 2nd April, 1966) 1966
Week ending 9th April 66
Week ending 16th April 103
LIVERPOOL (In operation from 2nd April, 1966) 1966
Week ending 9th April 53
Week ending 16th April 108
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