HC Deb 28 October 1965 vol 718 cc331-2
17. Mr. Edward M. Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science to what extent the Universities Building Programme is being delayed by the recent financial restrictions; and what reduction in the previous plan of capital expenditure is anticipated for the year 1965–66.

Mr. Crosland

In general, all university building projects planned to start since 27th July, other than those in development districts, are subject to six months' deferment. A number of exemptions have, however, been made where exceptional circumstances apply. The present estimate is that about three-quarters of the current fifteen-month programme of starts will be fulfilled, and about one-quarter will be deferred until 1966–67. But the Chancellor and I are keeping the position under review.

Mr. Taylor

Will the Minister indicate what this means in terms of money and in terms of student places? Has he consulted the U.G.C. about the effect of these cuts, and does he still seriously believe that the Robbins target for 1967 can be achieved?

Mr. Crosland

My Answer was couched in terms of value, so that answers the first part of the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question. In terms of numbers of students, it is impossible to say what the exact effect might be, partly because we do not yet know the admission figures for 1965–66—that is, for this autumn; partly because we do not know what the result of the constant review between the Chancellor and myself may be, and partly because we do not know what possibilities might be open to the universities in achieving a relatively higher admission figure with a relatively lower figure of building starts. It is, therefore, not possible to give an exact student number projection, but it is my hope to keep to the Robbins figure.

Mr. Hogg

Cannot the right hon. Gentleman, whatever the effect on availability of student places, give an explicit assurance that the Robbins figures still remain the Government's intention, and that they intend to keep it?

Mr. Crosland

Yes, Sir, I can give that assurance.