HC Deb 28 October 1965 vol 718 cc343-4
38. Mr. Mapp

asked the President of the Board of Trade if agreement has been reached on the import of cotton textiles for 1966 onwards; and if he will make a statement.

Mr. Darling

Our proposals for the regulation of imports of cotton textiles after the end of this year were sent formally to overseas countries early in September. Discussion of these proposals cannot be completed in time to bring agreed arrangements into operation from the beginning of 1966. My right hon. Friend has, therefore, informed other countries that an interim scheme will be necessary in order to keep trade moving. This, of course, is without prejudice to the eventual settlement.

Mr. Mapp

Will my hon. Friend bear in mind the possibility of unilateral action at the Hong Kong end of the negotiations? Will he ensure that, if there is any unilateral action, his Ministry will have firm proposals ready to deal with any torpedoeing of this sensible plan of gearing imports to the efficiency of the whole industry?

Mr. Darling

Yes. We have all these considerations in mind.

Mr. Fletcher-Cooke

Will the Minister of State think again about the reports that there will be a built-in or automatic increase for foreign and Commonwealth imports in future years? This is something which the cotton industry and the Cotton Board dislike very much.

Mr. Darling

Yes. I would prefer not to say anything more at this stage, but we certainly have that matter in mind in the considerations which are now under way.