HC Deb 29 November 1965 vol 721 cc995-7
39. Mr. Woodhouse

asked the Minister of Health whether he will take steps, in the case of disabled National Health Service patients who buy cars at their own expense without surrendering the invalid tricycles issued to them by the National Health Service, to pay them maintenance grants for such cars as well as the cost of adaptation.

Mr. Loughlin

No, Sir. My right hon. Friend does not intend to introduce

enumerate those homes that are in the County of Kent?

Mr. Loughlin

I am very sorry, but I cannot do that without delaying the House too greatly at Question Time.

Following is the list:

any new arrangements until we have completed next year's comprehensive review of the provisions for transport for the disabled.

Mr. Woodhouse

If, as I think, I am right in believing that the concession described in my Question is already made to war disabled patients, what justification can there be, 20 years after the war, for not extending it to all National Health Service patients?

Mr. Loughlin

The point is that the cases referred to by the hon. Gentleman in his Question come under the National Health Service Acts, which do not empower the Minister to make cash grants, or to improve upon the vehicles, as an alternative to the present arrangements. We are looking very closely at the problem, but I do not of necessity say that we shall be able to accept what the hon. Gentleman wants, as other problems are involved.

Lord Balniel

Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that there is a great deal of hardship under the present regulations, and a great deal of distress, particularly among married families in this category? Can he assure the House that this is an urgent review, which will report as speedily as possible on what action can be taken to alleviate those cases of hardship of which I know the Parliamentary Secretary is aware?

Mr. Loughlin

It is not necessary for the hon. Gentleman to impress upon me the difficulties that arise from this problem. How quickly we shall be able to review the position, in the light of the improvements made last year, I am not too sure, but the hon. Member can rest assured that, if it is humanly possible, we shall improve the position. The difficulty is that we have to assess the relative priorities not merely for the allocation of vehicles of this kind but also for that of monetary resources.