HC Deb 29 November 1965 vol 721 c976
32. Mr. Rhodes

asked the Minister of Health what plans exist to overcome the shortage of hospital beds and staff in the Newcastle Regional Hospital Board area.

Mr. Loughlin

Plans for the development of hospital services in the Newcastle Region, which include proposals for overcoming bed shortages, are now under consideration as part of the review of the hospital programme. To meet shortages of staff, the board uses the normal methods of recruitment and, in addition, has established many local training schemes.

Mr. Rhodes

While thanking the Parliamentary Secretary for that reply, may I ask him to bear in mind that the grossly excessive hours being worked by much of the staff in this area is, I suggest, virtually as dangerous as it is scandalous? While appreciating that he inherited this shortage of beds and staff from his predecessor, will he do his best to see that some priority is given to this area in future?

Mr. Loughlin

The question of recruitment and the allocation of beds is largely the business of the regional hospital board. We appreciate that in many hospitals the staff is having to work under extremely difficult conditions. Being mindful of this, we are giving the whole matter our active consideration.