HC Deb 24 November 1965 vol 721 cc503-4
30. Mr. Murray

asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many drill halls in Kent are used exclusively for Territorial Army purposes; and how many will be released for civil social purposes subsequent to the proposed reorganisation of the Territorial Army.

Mr. Reynolds

Ten. Most of the drill halls in Kent will become surplus to Service requirements, and will be disposed of in the normal way.

Mr. Murray

Whilst thanking my hon. Friend for that reply, will he ensure that local authorities get the opportunity to use these halls, and that they will be able to provide pensioners' facilities much more economically than the Territorial Army Council does at present?

Mr. Reynolds

All surplus Government property of one Department has to be offered to other Departments to see if it is required for some other Government use. Other than that, when we dispose of the halls we shall inform the local authorities of their availability and will be prepared to discuss individual cases with them.