HC Deb 15 November 1965 vol 720 c654
3. Miss Quennell

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works in how many cases he has made recommendations for the preservation of ancient monuments situated under the proposed route of electricity cables, under Section 44 (3) of the Electricity Supply Act, 1926.

Mr. Boyden

I regret that the information could not be provided without an expenditure of time and effort which would not be justified by the small number of cases involved.

Miss Quennell

Is there not a danger that some of our archaeological remains will be irreparably lost or damaged in the course of transmission works, and will the hon. Gentleman consider ways by which a more efficient and flexible system could be adopted by the Departments so that we can protect these remains while it is still possible?

Mr. Boyden

There is very close collaboration between my right hon. Friend the Minister of Power and my Department. If the hon. Lady knows of a specific case in which a monument is threatened in the way she suggests, perhaps she will let me know, and we will look into it.