HC Deb 26 May 1965 vol 713 c621

Considered in Committee [Progress, 25th May].

[Dr. HORACE KING in the Chair]

3.57 p.m.

Mr. R. J. Maxwell-Hyslop (Tiverton)

On a point of order, Dr. King. Would it be possible, do you think, for a supply of the list of Amendments selected, with the list of those which are to be discussed with them, and which appears to be duplicated anyway, to be available each day at the Vote Office for the convenience of Members, to avoid the necessity of copying down each day a very large number of Amendment numbers?

The Chairman

This point has already been raised with the Chair and I have explained my reasons which make that, I think, impossible and impracticable.

  1. Clause 23.—(DEATH.) 20,962 words, 2 divisions
  2. cc673-729
  3. Clause 24.—(SETTLED PROPERTY.) 22,007 words, 8 divisions
  4. cc729-45
  5. Clause 25.—(ESTATE DUTY.) 6,387 words, 4 divisions
  6. cc745-91
  7. Clause 26.—(MISCELLANEOUS EXEMP- TIONS FOR CERTAIN KINDS OF PROPERTY.) 18,230 words, 6 divisions