HC Deb 25 May 1965 vol 713 cc217-8
25. Mr. William Yates

asked the Minister of Power what further discussions have now been held with the steel companies affected with regard to proposals, other than those laid down in the White Paper, for the future organisation of the industry.

Mr. Frederick Lee

I wrote to the President of the British Iron and Steel Federation stating that I should be very willing to receive any representations from the Federation or from the individual companies within the ambit of the Prime Minister's statement of 12th May. I have not so far received any reply.

Mr. Yates

Since the Minister says that he believes only in 100 per cent. nationalisation, how does he expect the companies to reply, and, secondly, does he not realise that this industry as well as the rest of the country no longer trusts either the Prime Minister or the present Government?

Mr. David Griffiths

The Tories do not trust the hon. Gentleman.

Mr. Lee

I do not think that I could improve on the reply given by my hon. Friend.

Several Hon. Members


Mr. Yates

I regret that I did not hear the reply which the Minister gave to my supplementary question. Would he care to repeat it?

Mr. Lee

The hon. Gentleman concluded his supplementary question by saying that the industry and the country did not trust my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister or the Government, to which one of my hon. Friends replied that the party opposite did not trust the hon. Gentleman, either.

Mr. Yates

On a point of order. The sort of reply which the Minister just gave, which was to repeat something said on the back benches, is not really good enough. I beg to give notice that I shall raise this matter on the Adjournment.