HC Deb 19 May 1965 vol 712 c1430
6. Mr. Driberg

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if, in view of the increased profit margins being made by certain firms in the beer and wine trades, details of which have been sent to him by the hon. Member for Barking, he will draw the attention of the appropriate trade organisation to Government policy in this regard.

Mr. Peart

The Government have repeatedly stressed the need for price restraint and I am confident that all the trade organisations are now well aware of the Government's policy in this respect. Last January, I met representatives of various food trades, including the brewers and grocers, who assured me that they would do their utmost to absorb cost increases without putting up prices. I am sure that all responsible members of the trade concerned will wish to honour these assurances, but I am keeping a close watch on the position.

Mr. Driberg

Has my right hon. Friend looked into the particular cases and the circulars which were sent to him in which Messrs. Courage and another firm claimed deliberately to have taken advantage of wholesale and retail increases to increase also the profit margin? is this not a clear sign that they are not keeping their promises to my right hon. Friend?

Mr. Peart

I am well aware of the letters which my hon. Friend, quite rightly, sent to me. I am pursuing the matter and I shall keep it closely in mind.