HC Deb 10 May 1965 vol 712 c24
32. Mr. Biggs-Davison

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works what decision has now been made on the future of Admiralty House.

Mr. C. Pannell

No final decision has been taken.

Mr. Biggs-Davison

How much more delay will there be before the right hon. Gentleman comes to a decision? Many of us are anxious to know whether the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs will move into Admiralty House since he is all at sea or whether he will be moved into Steel House.

Mr. Pannell

I take it that part of that supplementary question is completely out of order. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."] I cannot understand the enthusiasm or solicitude of hon. Members opposite for the comfort of the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs.

Mr. Shinwell

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the delay in coming to a decision about the future of Admiralty House is because the previous occupant left such a mess behind?

Mr. Snow

When my right hon. Friend comes to a decision, will he be good enough to bear in mind the importance of keeping together the extremely valuable and historical collection of furniture in Admiralty House?

Mr. Pannell

Questions about the tenant for Admiralty House are not for me but for the Prime Minister.

Sir Rolf Dudley Williams

Is not the real reason for the delay that the Secretary of State for Economic Affairs may find that he is without a job and that someone is installed in his place within a short time?