HC Deb 04 May 1965 vol 711 c1194

Lords Amendment: In page 9, line 15, leave out from "the" to "and" in line 16 and insert "vesting date".

Mr. Stonehouse

I beg to move, That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment.

The purpose of the Amendment is to correct a drafting mistake in the original form which would have meant that between Royal Assent to the Bill and vesting date, certain byelaws which exist by virtue of authority under the Military Lands Act, 1892, could not be applied. The effect of this could have meant that for some months, perhaps as long as six or seven months, traffic signs on an airport need not have been obeyed. To avoid this possibility, the Amendment has been introduced to ensure that these byelaws relating to traffic signs and enactments shall apply until vesting date and until the Airports Authority can make its own byelaws under the Clause.

Question put and agreed to.