HC Deb 25 March 1965 vol 709 c728
23. Mr. Rhodes

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what action he proposes to take concerning the distribution of anti-semitic literature in the City of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, copies of which have been sent to him by the hon. Member for Newcastle-upon-Tyne, East.

Mr. George Thomas

My right hon. and learned Friend is keeping in mind activities of this sort in framing the provisions of the Bill, which he hopes shortly to introduce, dealing with incitement to racial hatred.

Mr. Rhodes

Will my hon. Friend bear in mind when he is considering this matter that these leaflets, which bear the Nazi swastika and the simply vile message, "Send the Jews to the ovens", have been distributed to Jewish families in my constituency, some of whom lost relatives in the Nazi ovens in the period of the Hitlerite regime? Would she also bear in mind that these leaflets are causing considerable concern in Newcastle, because they are also being sent to the homes of people who lost relatives in the struggle to outlaw Fascism in the Second World War?

Mr. Thomas

I know that the whole House finds this sort of thing offensive, as does the public. Some 60 people in Newcastle received anti-semitic leaflets through the post in the early weeks of February. The police are not aware that any have been received since, and the matter seems to have died down. It would appear better at present to let it die down.

Mr. Randall

Is my hon. Friend aware that not only in Newcastle but in Gateshead there is a considerable circulation of these very vile documents? I have sent a sample to him, as he knows. Will he continue with all speed the inquiry which I have requested?

Mr. Thomas

Yes, Sir.