HC Deb 15 March 1965 vol 708 cc872-3
31. Mr. Costain

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works to what extent industrialised building systems have been used during 1964 on contracts for Government Departments, local authorities and other public bodies; and how many different systems have been employed.

39. Mr. Urwin

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works if he will estimate the capital value of constructional work to be carried out on new defence establishments in the next financial year by traditional building methods, and by industrialised building, respectively.

Mr. C. Pannell

I regret that comprehensive figures are not available for the whole of the public sector. About 17 per cent. of all local authority dwellings started in 1964 and about 21 per cent. of all new schools started in 1963–64 were being built by industrialised methods, involving 50 and 13 systems, respectively. My own Department is increasingly using industrialised methods in its programmes. My Ministry's estimated expenditure next financial year on all major new construction work in the United Kingdom, including civil engineering, at defence establishments, is about £54 million. Of this 8 million will be for industrialised building.

Mr. Costain

I thank the right hon. Gentleman for that Answer. Can he give an assurance that all industrialised systems which are being developed will he properly considered by his Ministry and that he will give a fair share to those members of the industry who are spending vast sums of money to develop these systems?

Mr. Pannell

Yes, Sir. Both I as Minister of Public Building and Works and my right hon. Friend the Minister of Housing and Local Government are giving not only anxious but continual consideration to these points.

Mr. Urwin

Is my right hon. Friend satisfied with the structural value of the various systems which have been used in this field?

Mr. Pannell

There are too many systems at present. More than 300 have been or are being developed in this country. One of the tasks of the National Building Agency is to recommend to its clients the systems best suited to their needs and in this way to encourage the use of a limited number of the best systems.

Mr. Buchan

Can my right hon. Friend say what proportion of the figures he mentioned has been produced in association with the shipbuilding industry?

Mr. Pannell

No, I am afraid I could not without a separate Question.