HC Deb 15 March 1965 vol 708 cc868-9
20. Mr. John Hall

asked the Minister of Public Building and Works what use is being made of the Banqueting House in Whitehall.

Mr. C. Pannell

The Banqueting House is open to the public as an historic building. When it is not so open it can also be made available for certain other purposes, such as important evening receptions, principally those given by the Government, and for suitable entertainments.

Mr. Hall

How often has the Banqueting House been used for the kind of entertainments he has referred to? How much does the public use it? How often is it used? Is it being used or visited to any extent?

Mr. Pannell

Since the Banqueting House was reopened in September 1964, eight functions have been held there, of which six were receptions and two were concerts. The building has been little used for concerts because the acoustics are not very satisfactory. There is noise from the traffic in Whitehall. We are seeing if means can be found to overcome these drawbacks.

Mr. Snow

Is my right hon. Friend aware that this very beautifully maintained building justifies more attention from his Department by way of trying to remedy the undoubted rather bleak atmosphere? There is practically nothing in there. The pictures are not the best that Government sources could provide. Further, the building is being visited to a very meagre extent, according to inquiries I made when I visited it a few weeks ago.

Mr. Pannell

I do not know about that. The number of applications I have received to allow the most curious type of functions to be held there, including wedding receptions, tends to make me believe that the Banqueting House is rather well known. Because it is such an exceptional building, I am restricting its use to functions which are themselves of special importance and significant. These must generally be evening functions so as not to interfere with the admission of the public, but I will take note of what my hon. Friend says.