HC Deb 08 March 1965 vol 708 cc11-2
15. Mr. Alfred Morris

asked the Minister of Land and Natural Resources what administrative action he it taking within his responsibilities for minerals.

Mr. Willey

My Ministry will be responsible, in consultation with the other Departments concerned, for arranging for an economic survey of mineral resources in England and Wales, in appropriate cases.

Mr. Morris

I thank my right hon. Friend for his reply. Can he inform the House who will conduct the survey, and is his Department likely to take over responsibility for the geological survey?

Mr. Willey

My Department will have overall responsibility for the survey, but it will not take responsibility for the geological survey; that will remain where it is.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Could the right hon. Gentleman say for what minerals he has administrative responsibility? In particular, has he powers to overrule the Coal Board and the Ministry of Power in respect of coal, and, if he has responsibility for sand and gravel, why did he transfer a Question which was down today by my hon. Friend the Member for Gloucestershire, South (Mr. Corfield) to the Ministry of Housing and Local Government?

Mr. Willey

I was referring generally to an economic survey of mineral resources. There is already an economic survey for coal, and it would be pointless to duplicate what is already being done.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Question, which is in the name of one of his hon. Friends, refers to … administrative action… within his responsibilities for minerals. Has the right hon. Gentleman any administrative responsibilities, and for what minerals?

Mr. Willey

My responsibility is for their availability; and this survey will help me to discharge that responsibility.

Mr. Scott-Hopkins

Will the right hon. Gentleman be conducting a survey in the South-West, or will that be left to a private enterprise firm?

Mr. Willey

The South-West will be included.

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