HC Deb 30 June 1965 vol 715 cc776-7
Mr. MacColl

I beg to move Amendment No. 101, in page 33, line 22, to leave out "seven" and to insert "fourteen".

Mr. Speaker

I would suggest that we discuss with this Amendment, Amendment No. 102, in page 33, line 22, to leave out "seven" and to insert "twenty-eight", and Amendment No. 104, in page 33, line 27, to leave out "seven" and to insert "twenty-eight".

Mr. MacColl

These Amendments deal with the period within which information must be supplied to a rent assessment committee. In discussing this in Committee we agreed that there should be an increase in the time allowed. We think that doubling it to fourteen days is reasonable, and we would hope that the House would accept that as giving a reasonable time for people to move and think about it, and at the same time not hold up proceedings—something which we want to avoid.

Mr. Graham Page

On a previous and similar Amendment the learned Attorney-General compromised for 21 days. Could the hon. Gentleman not be so generous this time?

Mr. Speaker

Not on this Amendment.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment made: In page 33, line 27, leave out "seven" and insert "fourteen".—[Mr. MacColl.]

Mr. MacColl

I beg to move Amendment No. 105, in page 34, to leave out lines 16 to 34.

This Amendment and the next seven Amendments are consequential on changes already made in the drafting of the Bill.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 34, line 45, leave out "and 16".

In page 35, line 2, after "certificate", insert: or, as the case may be, whether the condition of the dwelling-house is the same as at the date of the certificate".

In line 3, leave out from "that" to "he" and insert: the works have been so carried out or, as the case may be, the dwelling-house is in that condition".

In line 20, leave out from "satisfied" to "as" in line 21.

In page 36, line 6, leave out "and 16".

In line 8 leave out "either".

In line 9, leave out from "dwelling-house" to end of line 10.—[Mr. MacColl.]