HC Deb 23 June 1965 vol 714 cc1750-1
30. Mr. Rankin

asked the Minister of Aviation if he will state the reasons for the delay in building the piers for embarking and land passengers at London Airport.

Mr. Stonehouse

The first pier from the Europa and Britannia buildings is now complete and construction of the second will start shortly. Piers will also be added to the Oceanic Building and a new passenger building to be built on the North-East side of the Central Area. Construction has to be carefully phased to minimise interference with airport operation but there should be no undue delay in completing these improvements to the facilities at Heathrow.

Mr. Rankin

Did I hear my hon. Friend say that one of the piers was now complete? In that case, can he say why it was not in use on Monday when I landed at London Airport? Can he tell us why it is not in use, and also when it will be in use?

Mr. Stonehouse

The pier is now constructionally complete, and it will be in use in the next few days. We are anxious to press ahead as quickly as we can with the reconstruction at Heathrow, because we want the facilities there to be up to the highest standards, in view of the great demand made upon them.

Sir Ian Orr-Ewing

Will the hon. Gentleman try to persuade the airport authorities to leave the aprons close to the ends of these piers free for the use of aircraft to a maximum extent, and not lumber them up with carriage vehicles and other servicing vehicles? The whole point of investing money on these piers was to enable passengers to move straight from the terminal building to the aircraft without having to em-bus and de-bus.

Mr. Stonehouse

I will certainly bear that point in mind.

Captain Orr

Can the Minister tell me whether the pier will be open in time for the visit of the President of the Board of Trade to Belfast on Friday?

Mr. Stonehouse

I hope so.

Mr. George Y. Mackie

If the hon. Member cannot get the pier completed in time, will he at least get the notices stating that these piers will be completed in early spring brought up to date? Will he also take note of the fact that his hon. Friend the Member for Glasgow, Govan (Mr. Rankin) has some complaints about the service?

Mr. Rankin

No. May I congratulate—

Mr. Speaker

Order. There is some difficulty about allowing two supplementary questions to one Member.

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