HC Deb 23 June 1965 vol 714 cc1724-5
2. Mr. Marten

asked the Minister of Aviation if he will now make a statement on Anglo-French co-operation over the proposed joint versatile light variable geometry aircraft, helicopters and an airborne early-warning plane.

Mr. Roy Jenkins

On the variable geometry aircraft I would refer the hon. Member to the statement made to the House by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence on Monday, 17th May. Studies are continuing, but no decisions have yet been made, on possible joint arrangements for helicopters and an airborne early-warning aircraft.

Mr. Marten

While recognising the advantages which flow from co-operation across the frontiers, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman also to recognise that over-dependence on too many of these joint foreign projects for our defence equipment is causing some anxiety, I believe on both sides of the House?

Mr. Jenkins

Of course one wants to avoid over-dependence, but at present over-dependence is less of a menace than was continuing with a position in which we were making too complicated projects for too limited a market and carrying the whole of the R. and D. ourselves.

Sir J. Eden

Is it a fact that the French Government would like the variable geometry aircraft to fly for the first time about 1973 and come into service before 1975? Is it also a fact that when this aircraft comes into service it will be little advanced in its performance capabilities from the TSR2 which the right hon. Gentleman has scrapped?

Mr. Jenkins

It is the case that the French Government requirement may be a little earlier than ours, but there is no difficulty between us about agreeing the dates. On capability; it will be quite a different aircraft, very much lighter in weight than the TSR2 and there will be no comparison.

Mr. Hastings

Can the right hon. Gentleman say something more about the Anglo-French variable geometry fighter project? Is there not a grave danger that Boeing, together with the Germans, will be producing a swing-wing V.T.O.L. fighter which will come on the market earlier than this project?

Mr. Jenkins

No. The Anglo-French project is worth while and I believe that it will have a good market.