- H.M. Ships (Air-Conditioning Equipment) 444 words cc1686-7
- English Channel (Oil Clearance) 232 words cc1687-91
- Territorial Army 1,155 words c1691
- R.E.M.E. Association (Mrs. Edwards and Mr. Harris) 271 words cc1691-4
- Defence Commitments (Review) 851 words cc1694-5
- Aircraft (Nuclear Strike Capacity) 409 words cc1695-7
- Military Aircraft Requirements 457 words cc1697-9
- Costing Methods 741 words c1699
- Gibraltar (Spanish Frontier) 148 words cc1699-700
- Surplus Goods (Public Auctions) 371 words cc1700-2
- Defence Purchases 647 words cc1702-4
- Sandhurst (Cadets) 609 words c1704
- H.M. Ships, West Indies Station (Post) 118 words cc1704-5
- Army and R.A.F. (Housing Loan Scheme) 309 words cc1705-6
- H.M. Ships (Loss by Accident) 182 words cc1706-8
- Canberra Aircraft (Replacement) 720 words cc1708-9
- Military Aircraft (Anglo-French Memorandum) 236 words cc1709-10
- Colchester Garrison 173 words c1710
- Territorial Army Centre, Colchester 233 words cc1710-2
- Armed Services (Pensions) 707 words cc1712-3
- Hospital, Burderop Park 264 words